About Us
We are a Company
We at Kool Tidy Products are on a mission to help raise consciousness through creativity which we think we have discovered another way of looking at the intellect.
The intellect as we see it, as seen from this point of view gives you a perspective based on logic is one way off looking at creativity.
Kool Tidy Products
We believe that intuition, which does not rely on logic, comes from a motion pictured idea in the mind which has the universe behind it, it comes from another way of understanding creativity
Adding the two together Intuition and intellect we then need to add one more part to the boiling pot. Life’s learned behaviour which for each of us is very very different as the wisdom that comes from learned behaviour is what defines you as you, life as you understand it through your experience at that point in time.
Now understand that you are a multi dimensional thinker you can add the final ingredients. What If and I can See.
To Know Thyself. In Balance
Creativity is born. I see
Kool Tidy Products
Born to help with those everyday problems in the fiscal and the Spiritual
A Brief History Of Just Tidy Products
In 2007 I was sitting on the London tube on my way to a private English lessen (GCSE). Could not understand how no matter how I tried to fold my cables for my head phones and neatly place them in my pocket how tangled they would be when only a few minutes had past. It was not long looking at people and observing there behaviour and it was amazing what came to light.
I created a company called Just Tidy products Ltd and was granted my first patent in 2009, decided to take my idea to market. Not being a newcomer to industry after building my first company from myself to over 200 people in the construction industry (Carpenter by trade). I closed HIS Design & Construction down as I felt a change of industry was well over due.
I went to University and enrolled on an engineering product design course which was great as it taught me what areas I was good in design and those that I was not. Finding a real good flair in looking at every day problems and finding ways to make these task easier. Concept design, model making and drawings seemed to fit my skills very well.
A Brief History Of Just Tidy Products
I muddled my way through the next 3 years at Uni and on courses associated with this industry to where I am now. Tooling in this country and awaiting for some alterations to be completed on our tooling after our new prototype proved this is the way to go we are now ready to manufacture.
The reason for forming a company is that I found myself in a position of having 11 amazing products ranging across a multitude of industries which I hope I am able to bring to market. If you would like to see more of my designs please look on my web site under concepts I have designs there patented and designs registered.
Kool Tidy products was formed as a great marketing strategy along with a great design for logos which I am very pleased with impact thus far on polling peoples over whelming like.
A Narrative into Just Tidy Products
Advances in the field In technology
Cable Carrier
In relation to the head phone carrier we have been able to prove, that cables that are drawn in on a enclosed spool can be managed coiled in on a spool and stored without the problems of bunching which at any point while being wound in can gather to a point creating friction and ultimately bring the unit to a stop.
- Our cable management system developed reduces this effect by 80% allowing for a much smaller area needed for storage.
- By folding the cable to be stored in two forming a loop which is placed onto a hook that is placed on a centre spine on our spool we have been able to reduce spring size and length, enabling us to create a much smaller palm size earphone cable store that can hold most headphones in the market place today.
We believe that this method of storing will have a multitude of uses once the technology is revealed. This will contribute to design bringing storage space previously required down to a minimum. That will now contribute to the storage of mains cables into plugs which is our aim. This has been patented and awaiting results of our publication of our PCT in the respected countries within the year.
A Narrative into Just Tidy Products
Hand held dog lead
Up to this point most designs have been limited by size and designs so far are bulky large and cumbersome We are attempting to bring about Functionality size and design that is your palm size retractable lead that fits in your pocket with a brand new braking system that for the first time we can start to design in a more compact way.
In a field that know one else is doing the same.
Its 2 meters in lead length, it fits in your palm and pocket, Its retractable and is ergonomic in design allows this to fit within the contours of your palm when clinched.
A Narrative into Just Tidy Products
Training lead
All dog walkers while out walking want to find somewhere to put their lead. My dog had an extra long lead as it was designed for a horse I wrapped it round my waste, doubled it up and put it over my shoulder, but all ways after while this was uncomfortable.
Till one day while walking I created a circle placed it over my shoulder, as I was clearing for my dog it fell to the floor creating a figure eight as it lay there, I picked it up putting one arm through one loop and the other arm through the other this became the most comfortable way to carry her lead from then on. While walking I had literally put the lead on like a jacket.
Then one day while out walking with Joey (my dog, a Rhodesian Ridge Back) she lost here collar while in a scuffle with another dog.
A Narrative into Just Tidy Products
Training lead
There I was thinking how can I get her home looking at the lead I was wearing I placed the loops over her head the crossed part fell under her chin then placing the other loop seemed to just fall on her nose a quick knot was placed in the larger loop close to her head and that is how I got Joey home that day. I mention this because at the time it was not significant I had just over come a momentary problem.
I think it may have been some months after that, that seeing other harness in the pet shop I started down the road of what If Taking into consideration what if the spool for the head phone carrier could take on this continuous loop could it be made retractable and this is how Joeys lead made its way into existence.
A Narrative into Just Tidy Products
Training lead
- Joe being a large dog tugging on her lead was reduced considerably to not at all.
- After my study of how dogs respond while on a lead (films) it was easy to see that where a dogs nose goes the rest of their body followed.
- Taking the designs and locking system already created how can I make this continuous loop retractable and still fit in the palm of your hand.
- Further trials with Joey proved that with the prototype lead on I was able to turn her head with just the movement of my wrist. This was a significant a breakthrough as control became almost total.
- After just a few weeks we were able to walk through market places steering her through and around obstacles. Teaching her to, stop, and sit with just the movement of my wrist.
She was so much more calmer with this collar on.
A Narrative into Just Tidy Products
Training lead
After several designs we have a working prototype that is now ready for trials with training dogs to see if my observations are correct that the Joey lead will work on cutting training times in all dogs.
If we are successful this will be a significant breakthrough in training our dogs for the blind and able bodied as for the first time in training our dogs a command we will now be backed up with a gentle nudge to the side of the side of the head with the command which this break through will make all the difference with training handlers and dogs will be under less stress going through a very difficult period much more calmer bringing training times down significantly as a result.
We still have a year of trials before us but are hopeful that once funding is in place this will be a major development in training mans best friend through a very stressful period of getting to know each other.
My story As to how I have got myself here
Arthur Tomlinson
My Problems started when my secretary went on line to find a marketing company we were introduced to a company called Blur Group who promised us a introduction to the worlds largest major distributors of phone accessories John Wilby just to mention one of person mentioned, also talks were linked with Apples about our head phone carrier.
We were then introduced to Lab who put even more people and companies on the table of major players in this industry that would put us in the area of sales we were looking for. Based on what was said we then had a verbal agreement in principle that Lab would be the company to do our marketing for us. We had three products a budget was placed of 100k per product. It was made quite clear that this budget would not be achievable without orders that were promised.
We then waited for the contract to come which never materialised. But placed under tremendous pressure from there operatives they wanted a commitment from me To which I responded with two payments of 5k.
Still waiting for a contract to come. In November I told them that was it for me wanted to move on this was expressed to there Mr Sat Ramewal it was then that i was told that the contract that we had with them had a 10% back out fee.
Still waiting for a contract which was now three months in the making how could this be. It was then I was told that by uploading materials on their platform created a contract.
My story As to how I have got myself here
After several meetings I was told By Labs consulting partner Giles Morgan that if we pulled out at this point all doors to present my product market would be closed. Yet a few days after this comment offered to work direct with us after finding out that 10K had been placed with Blur Group
In January of this year they were successful in gaining a CCJ against Kool Tidy.
I fought this off and won at court to have this put aside. How ever with no funds to fight them off on their next attack the CCJ was replaced against us. This has been the main factor in stopping us from gaining funding from major establishments applied for.
Then hit with another blow that our manufactures based in china sent samples that were not fit for purpose. Alterations were made but on further inspection of these units again these were not fit for purpose ether.
I was successful in getting my tooling sent to this country and is placed with a manufacture In the North. They introduced us to a plastics engineers that created cad data for the needed alterations ( a Grant was obtained for these costs) which I am now waiting for the costings for the adjustments to be made to the tooling which should be with us any day now.
It was said to me that this industry is the only one that allows paranoia as an acceptable mental state, because if you have created a product that no one wants to steel go back to the drawing board. As a newcomer to the industry lessons have been painful and costly, But I do feel that the returns in my efforts spiritually and materially will be priceless.
I have tried to give you a brief outline as to the reasons why I find my self in this position. I would like to add that today for the first time An invester has expressed a keen interest in my products and has asked permission to do his due diligence on the project This is very good news.